95 Fun Facts Everyone Should Know | FactRetriever.com (2025)

  • American flags left on the moon will eventually get bleached white by the sun.[23]
  • While they are hibernating, bears do not urinate. Their bodies convert waste into protein.[23]
  • White-faced capuchin monkeys greet each other by sticking their fingers up each others’ noses.[23][28]
  • Gummy bears were originally called "dancing bears."[29]
  • New Zealand has more cats per person than any other country in the world.[30]
  • 95 Fun Facts Everyone Should Know | FactRetriever.com (1)

    Hagfish also have 4 hearts (Photo Credit: Tom McHugh / SPL)

  • The hagfish is the only animal that has a skull but no spine.[30]
  • People weigh less if they stand at the equator than if they stand at the North or South poles.[29]
  • At their closest points, the U.S and the Soviet Union are over 2 miles (3km) apart.[15][30]
  • The yo-yo was originally a weapon used in the Philippine jungle.[18][29]
  • Victor Hugo’s novel Les Miserable contains a sentence that is 823 words long.[10]
  • Alexander the Great was the first person to be pictured on a coin.[29]
  • FDR’s portrait was on the dime because of his association with the March of Dimes charity.[29]
  • The sun weighs 2,000 million million million million tons.[29]
  • Shoes that were specific to left and right were not made until the Civil War.[29]
  • The Turks call the turkey an “American bird.”[30]
  • Lightning kills about 10,000 people a year worldwide, more people than tornadoes or flooding.[29]
  • 95 Fun Facts Everyone Should Know | FactRetriever.com (2)

    Lightning doesn't just happen during a thunderstorm. It can happen during volcanic eruptions, intense forest fires, surface nuclear explosions, heavy snowstorms, and large hurricanes.

  • At an average of 15 breaths per minute, we take about 400 million breaths during a lifetime. This is equivalent to about 53 million gallons of air.[29]
  • The shiniest living thing on earth is the Pollia Condensata, an African fruit.[29]
  • The bee hummingbird drinks from up to 1,500 flowers a day.[29]
  • We throw away enough ribbon each year to tie a bow around the entire Earth.[29]
  • Comets in ancient Greece were called “hairy stars.”[29]
  • African lions catch about 20% of the prey they chase. Dragonflies catch 95%.[29]
  • A “cronut” is a cross between a doughnut and a croissant.[23]
  • Amazon.com was originally called a cadabra.[29]
  • A human loses about a million skin cells per 24 hours.[18]
  • Rabbits can see behind them without moving their heads.[29]
  • 95 Fun Facts Everyone Should Know | FactRetriever.com (3)

    Rabbits also sleep with their eyes open

  • Even though the blue whale is the largest animal on earth, it can’t swallow anything bigger than a beach ball.[29]
  • Every year, about 100 billion servings of instant ramen are sold each year, or about 14 bowls per person.[29]
  • Mistletoe has no scent.[29]
  • A Chihuahua and a dachshund mix is a “chiweenie.”[29]
  • The Hungarian word for "quotation marks" is "macskaköröm," which literally translates to "cat claws."[10]
  • There are no seagulls in Hawaii.[29]
  • The sound of Darth Vader’s difficult breathing was made with a scuba regulator.[23]
  • Luke Skywaker was originally named Luke Skykiller.[10]
  • 95 Fun Facts Everyone Should Know | FactRetriever.com (4)

    Moonbows have been described since at least Aristotle's "Meteorology," around 359 B.C.

  • A moonbow is a rainbow produced by moonlight rather than direct sunlight.[10]
  • The # symbol isn’t officially called a hashtag or a pound. It’s technically called an "octothorpe." The “octo-” means “eight” to refer to its points.[10]
  • "Respair" is a 15th-century word meaning ‘fresh hope’ or a recovery from despair.[10]
  • A group of stingrays is called a fever.[13]
  • The plural of cul-de-sac is culs-de-sac.[10]
  • The term "lawn mullet" means having a neatly manicured front yard and an unmowed mess in the back.[10]
  • Raccoons have four times more sensory cells in their paws than most mammals. This allows them to "see" with their hands and get images of the object they touch without even looking at them.[27]
  • Being compassionate to others--as well as oneself--leads to greater happiness.[12]
  • Snow-bones are the lines of snow or ice left at the sides of roads after the rest of the snow has melted.[10]
  • Toxic people undermine, discourage, sabotage, and take advantage of you. "Nutric" people do the opposite, which is why it is so important to surround yourself with them.[21]
  • Moons can have moons, and they are called "moonmoons."[10]
  • The word "good-bye" is a contraction of "God be with ye."[10]
  • Believing in Santa Claus cultivates a child's imagination and the ability to think of possibilities and potentialities.[11]
  • The Greek name for the mosquito is "anopheles," which means “good for nothing.”[3]
  • A “50% off” sign increases sales, even if shoppers don’t know the original price or what a reasonable price for the product would be.[5]
  • Sea otters wrap themselves in kelp so that they don't drift on the ocean while they sleep.[29]
  • 95 Fun Facts Everyone Should Know | FactRetriever.com (5)

    The sea otter is the largest member of the weasel family, a group that includes skunks, weasels, wolverines, and badgers.

  • The neighbors of lottery winners are more likely to go bankrupt because they try to keep up with their neighbor’s new spending habits.[4]
  • In Canada, Santa's postal code is H0H 0H0.[11]
  • One of the NBA’s top scorers, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar made only one 3-point shot his entire 20-year career.[19]
  • The Eiffel Tower was initially considered to be an eyesore. Its usefulness as a radio tower saved it from being dismantled in 1909.[29]
  • Reading rewires your brain for higher intelligence and empathy.[30]
  • The word "parakeet" literally means "long tail."[29]
  • A "griggle" is an apple left on the tree because its too small to pick.[10]
  • The chess term “checkmate” is from a 14th-century Arabic phrase, “shah mat," meaning “the king is helpless.”[10]
  • A "cama" is the hybrid offspring of a camel and a llama.[10]
  • Someone who suffers from "anatidaephobia" believes that somewhere, somehow a duck or goose is constantly watching them.[29]
  • 95 Fun Facts Everyone Should Know | FactRetriever.com (6)

    Watch your back . . . .

  • The word "everywhen" means all the time or always.[10]
  • Beaver eyelids are transparent so that they can see through them as they swim underwater.[29]
  • The opposite of paranoia is pronoia. A person suffering from pronia feels that people or entities around them are plotting to do them good.[10]
  • The fastest insect on earth is the Australian tiger beetle, Cicindela hudsoni. Clocking in at 5.6 mph, this incredible insect runs so fast, it has to slow down to see anything.[28]
  • The black dot on the inside surface of a monarch's wing distinguishes the male monarch butterfly from the female, which has no spot.[28]
  • The German word "Kummerspeck" literally translates to "grief bacon" or "sorrow fat." It refers to weight gain due to emotional eating.[10]
  • "Wrap rage" is the anger and frustration felt when you are unable to open packages.[10]
  • Boanthropy is a psychological disorder where people think they're cows.[10]
  • In the original Italian version of Cinderella, the benevolent fairy godmother figure was a cat.[1]
  • Knitting was initially a male-only occupation. In fact, when the very first knitting union was established in Paris in 1527, no women were allowed.[9]
  • The oleander is the official flower of the city of Hiroshima. It was the first to bloom again after the explosion of the atomic bomb in 1945.[26]
  • In ancient Greece, the word for "cook" and "priest," was the same: "mageiros," which shares its etymological root with the word "magic."[6]
  • New Yorkers bite 10 times more people than sharks do worldwide each year.[29]
  • According to legend, cats were created when a lion on Noah’s ark sneezed and two kittens came out.[1]
  • Knitting acts as a natural antidepressant and can help ease anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. It can also protect the brain from aging.[8]
  • Candy Land was created 70 years ago to give kids stuck in polio wards a way to vicariously move freely in the pursuit of delights. The original board featured a boy in a leg brace about to walk through starting gate of the game.[29]
  • Just 30 minutes of daily complaining can physically damage your brain. Listening to someone constantly complain also negatively affects brain function.[25]
  • 95 Fun Facts Everyone Should Know | FactRetriever.com (7)

    Complaining can damage your brain

  • A German word for nightmare is "alptraum," which literally means "elf dream." In German folklore, elves were dangerous figures who could control dreams and create nightmares.[20]
  • Rocky Road ice cream was originally marketed during the Great Depression as a metaphor for coping with the economic crash.[29]
  • The Titanic's chief baker nonchalantly stepped off the stern of the sinking liner and calmly paddled around until he was rescued at dawn. Experts note that he survived the disaster by getting completely drunk.[7]
  • "Moonglade" is the bright reflection of the moon's light on an expanse of water.[10]
  • Snakes do not have eyelids. Although they cannot close their eyes while they are sleeping, they can close their retinas.[16]
  • The Incredible Hulk was initially supposed to be gray, but according to Stan Lee, an issue with the printer turned the Hulk green.[30]
  • If you type the word "askew" into the Google search box, the entire page will tilt slightly.[2]
  • The term "astronaut" comes from Greek words that mean "star" and "sailor."[10]
  • The longest common word with all the letters in alphabetical order is "almost."[10]
  • According to Plato, wine may be tasted in moderation until age 31, but when a man reaches 40, he may drink as much as he wants to cure the "crabbedness of old age."[17]
  • No matter how badly fingerprints are damaged, they will always grow back in their original pattern.[29]
  • Elephants sing to each other, but their songs are in a frequency too low for humans to hear.[14]
  • 95 Fun Facts Everyone Should Know | FactRetriever.com (8)

    We don't deserve elephants

  • Americans spend more time watching other people on television cook than they do cooking themselves.[6]
  • Charles Darwin invented the modern office chair when he added wheels to his own chair, so he could move around his office easier.[22]
  • The term "coccyx" (also known as your tailbone) is derived from the Greek word "cuckoo" ("kokkux") because the curved shape of the tailbone resembles the bird's beak.[18]
  • The most popular item at Walmart is bananas. They sell more bananas than any other single item they have in stock.[14]
  • Canadians eat more macaroni and cheese than any other nation in the world.[24]
  • A dolphin’s blowhole is an evolved nose that has moved upward to the top of its head.[15]

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95 Fun Facts Everyone Should Know | FactRetriever.com (2025)


What are 5 cool random facts? ›

Bet you didn't know.....
  • It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow. ...
  • A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
  • A shrimp's heart is in its head.
  • It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

What are 10 surprising facts? ›

101 of the best random fun facts
  • A cloud weighs around a million tonnes. ...
  • Giraffes are 30 times more likely to get hit by lightning than people. ...
  • Identical twins don't have the same fingerprints. ...
  • Earth's rotation is changing speed. ...
  • Your brain is constantly eating itself.
Feb 23, 2024

What is a good useless fact? ›

In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the world's nuclear weapons combined. On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year. (This never happened back when we used feather quills on parchment.) On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.

What are 10 strange facts? ›

Top 10 Weirdest Facts!
  • Humans can't walk in a straight line without looking at something. ...
  • Ketchup was used as medicine! ...
  • Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins. ...
  • Australia is wider than the moon. ...
  • Rats will laugh out loud if you tickle them! ...
  • Boeing used potatoes to test their in-flight Wi-Fi!

What are 20 interesting facts? ›

Interesting Unknown facts that you need to know
  • Hot water will turn into ice faster than cold water. ...
  • The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. ...
  • The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. ...
  • Ants take rest for around 8 Minutes in 12-hour period. ...
  • "I Am" is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.

What is a super weird fact? ›

Coming in as another weird fact about the human body, the cornea and the cartilage do not have blood vessels. 59) Your nose and ears never stop growing. 60) In 2004, Neil Armstrong's hair was sold for $3,000. 61) To improve their skin, people used to eat arsenic.

What is the most unbelievable fact? ›

Top 10 Unbelievable Facts!
  • There's a 50% chance that two people will share a birthday in a group of 23 people. ...
  • Sea Lions are the only animals who can clap to a beat! ...
  • Farts travel at 7mph. ...
  • Glass balls bounce higher than rubber balls. ...
  • It snows metal on Venus! ...
  • Adult cats only meow to humans, not other cats.

What is a surprising fact? ›

The deepest place on Earth is the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. It's 36,201 feet (11,034m) deep. That's almost seven miles! The longest river in the world is the River Nile, clocking 6,853km in length.

What are 7 fun facts? ›

There are seven colors of the rainbow, seven chakras, seven days of the week, seven continents, and seven wonders of the world. The number seven is featured extensively in Christianity and other religions, along with the number seven forms the basis of Western musical scales.

Can you tell me 10 random facts? ›

Here are 10 random and interesting facts:
  • A crocidile can't stick its tongue out.
  • A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.
  • Almonds are a member of the peach family.
  • A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
  • In many advertisements the time displayed on the watch is 10:10.
  • Most people fall asleep in 7 minutes.
Aug 13, 2021

What are some boring facts? ›

  • Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
  • Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
  • The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses. ...
  • There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.
  • The average secretary's left-hand does 56% of the typing.
  • A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.
Oct 9, 2012

What is a completely random fact? ›

In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator. Odontophobia is the fear of teeth. The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.

What are some messed up facts? ›

Here are some *disturbing* facts listed down.
  • The average person walks past 36 murders in their lifetime.
  • Polar bears are the only bear species that actively hunt and kill humans. ...
  • Some tumours can grow teeth and hair.
  • If you fell into a black hole, you could see the start and the end of the universe, Big Bang and all.
May 10, 2022

What are some facts about the number 100? ›

100 is a perfect square number and its square root is 10. 100 is the basis of percentages (“per cent” meaning “per hundred” in Latin), with 100 percent being a full amount. There are 100 pennies in one dollar.

What are the facts of 50? ›

Factors of 50 can be obtained by applying the divisibility rules and division facts. So the factors of 50 are 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, and 50.

What are the facts of 99? ›

99 is:
  • a composite number; a square-prime, of the form (p2, q). ...
  • a Kaprekar number.
  • a lucky number.
  • a palindromic number.
  • the ninth repdigit.
  • the sum of the cubes of three consecutive integers: 99 = 23 + 33 + 4. ...
  • the sum of the sums of the divisors of the first 11 positive integers.
  • the highest two digit number in decimal.

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.