Gv unit 1 life stories we admire global success (bài tập bổ trợ form 2025)pdf (2024)


Trang 1



a Vocabulary

Word Part of speech Pronunciation Meaning

5 resistance war n /rɪˈzɪstəns wɔː(r)/ cuộc kháng chiến

7 field hospital n /ˈfiːld hɒspɪtl/ bệnh viện tạm thời gần chiến trường

37 the Communist Party n /ðə ˈkɒmjənɪst pɑːti/ Đảng Cộng sản

Trang 2

b Collocations/ phrases

1 devote something to (doing) something cống hiến thứ gì cho thứ gì/ việc gì 2 attend school/ college đi học (trường đại học, cao đẳng)

3 be admired for something được ngưỡng mộ vì điều gì

5 be diagnosed with something được chẩn đoán mắc bệnh gì

7 be dedicated to something cống hiến cho thứ gì


a Past simple and past continuous

Past Simple (Quá khứ đơn) Past Continuous (Quá khứ tiếp diễn) Công thức

(+) S + V(-ed/ cột 2) (-) S + didn't + V nguyên (?) Did + S + V nguyên?

Công thức

(+) S + was/ were + V-ing (-) S + was/ were + not + V-ing (?) Was/ Were + S + V-ing? Cách dùng

- Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra và chấm dứt hoàn toàn trong quá khứ

E.g: My mother left this city 2 years ago

- Diễn đạt các hành động xảy ra liên tiếp trong quá khứ

E.g: She came home, switched on the computer and checked her e-mails

Past simple and past continuous with “When” and “While”

Dùng “while” hoặc “when” để chỉ mối liên hệ giữa 2 hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ.

- Hành động đang xảy ra thì có hành động khác xen vào

S1 + QKTD + when + S2 + QKÐ E.g: I was watching TV when she

came home

When + S1 + QKÐ, S2 + QKTD E.g: When she came home, I was

watching television

- Những hành động xảy ra song song

S1 + QKTD + while + S2 + QKTD E.g: She was doing her homework

while I was preparing dinner

While + S1 + QKTD, S2 + QKTD E.g: While they were running, we

were walking

- Thói quen xấu với trạng từ “always” E.g: He was constantly talking He

annoyed everyone

Trang 3


Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions

1 A childhood B biography C marriage D biological 2 A admire B achievement C adopt D army 3 A campaign B diary C biography D military 4 A stylish B contribution C achievement D communist 5 A diagnosed B distinguished C passed D launched

Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions

1 A campaign B duty C genius D knowledge 2 A cancer B army C battle D account 3 A impact B inspire C decide D prefer 4 A considerate B priority C influential D experience 5 A ambitious B visionary C creative D impressive

Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

1 Despite growing up in an orphanage, she always felt a strong connection to her _ family, hoping to reunite with them someday

A biological B ambitious C cutting-edge D creative

2 After being _ with a rare genetic disorder, he channeled his energy into raising awareness and funds for research

A dedicated B admired C volunteered D diagnosed 3 The soldiers who fought together in the war formed a tight-knit brotherhood, forever _ by

their shared experiences

A adopted B devoted C bonded D investigated 4 During the Vietnam War, brave soldiers in the Vietnamese _ fought valiantly to defend

and cultural identity

A diary B stylish C resign D biography 8 Daniel inherited the whole legacy of his grandma when she _ last week

A brought up B passed out C passed away D brought around

9 Nguyen Hue, with his _ leadership, created a people's army, no matter small or large A genius B duty C achievement D itinerary 10 Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic nun who _ her life to serving the poor and destitute

around the world

A cutting- edge B pancreatic C visionary D dedicated 11 He didn’t get married and _ a child from the orphanage

A adopted B adapted C advertised D admitted 12 While he was doing his _, he was killed by the enemy

A visionary B animated C duty D stylish 13 The website gives brief _ of some famous historical figures in Vietnam

A determinations B biographies C cancers D rules

Trang 4

14 A _ and creative leader will navigate his business through the most difficult period A visionary B biography C discovery D encouragement 15 One of her _ achievements is the discovery of radium and polonium

A impress B impressive C impression D impressively 16 The company’s sales have doubled since the introduction of new _ technology

A full-length B traditional C cutting-edge D standard 17 It was their determination that helped them _ the enemy

A contain B publish C remain D defeat

18 Nelson Mandela is one of the most _ political leaders of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Century

A admired B perfect C talent D skilled 19 When we were on a voluntary tour, we to public places to collect rubbish every day

A were going B went C have gone D had gone 20 I _ about him when suddenly he came in

A talk B talked C am talking D was talking 21 I was revising for my civics class when my dad me about the volunteer job

A tell B was telling C told D had told 22 When Tien _ some photos of the wildlife reserve, it started to rain heavily

A has taken B was taking C would take D is taking 23 I Maria for the first time at the Heart-to-Heart Charity Office

A saw B was seeing C was seen D has seen 24 We _ our quality time when the unexpected guess _

A had – came B were having - came

C had been having – came D have had – would have come 25 When I went to get the tickets, 1 realised I any money

A wasn’t having B didn’t have C haven’t had D hadn’t had 26 I _ an online class in Advanced Maths when the Wi-Fi got disconnected

A attends B have attended C was attending D had attended 27 When I first saw Miriam, I her to come in for tea and we talked for nearly two hours

A invited B invite C have invited D was inviting 28 While he _ some plants in the garden, his wife was preparing dinner

A waters B is watering C would water D was watering 29 The girls were chatting the boys were playing games


30 The boys broke a window when they _ football

A played B were playing C half played D are playing 31 Last night, we _ for you for ages but you never _ up

A waited – showed B would wait - showed C were waiting - were showing D waited – was showing

32 Last night at this time, they _ the same thing She _ and he _ the newspaper

A are doing/ is cooking/ is reading B were doing/ was cooking/ was reading C was doing/ has cooked/ is reading D had done/ was cooking/ read

33 We _ to the hospital to visit Mike when he _ to say that he was fine A were driving - was calling B drove - called

C were driving – called D drove - was calling 34 While Phong _ a presentation, his laptop suddenly crashed

A has given B was giving C is giving D gives 35 What _ to you on Sunday night?

A happen B happened C was happening D would happen

Trang 5

36 He was talking to his mother about his first day at school when his phone _

A rings B was ringing C rang D has rung 37 I first met her four years ago when we _ at a middle school

A had been studying B are studying C have been studying D were studying

Exercise 4: Put the verb in the past simple tense or the past continuous

1 When I (arrive) _at this house, he still (sleep) _ 2 The light (go) _ out while we (have) _ dinner 3 Bill (have) breakfast when I (stop) at this house this morning 4 She (wash) _ up when Tam (arrive) _ at this house 5 As we (cross) _ the Street, we (see) _ an accident 6 Tom (see) _ a serious accident while he (stand) _ at the bus stop 7 The children (play) _football when their mother (come) _ back home 8 The bell (ring) _ while Tom (take) _ a bath

9 He (sit) _ in a car when I (see) _ him

10 We (clean) _ the house when she (come) yesterday

Exercise 5: Read the following advertisem*nt / announcement and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks

My Tam Live Concert in Ho Tram!

📅 Date: May 11, 2024 🕒 Time: 7:00 PM

📍 Venue: My Soul 1981, Hồ Tràm, Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu

Get ready for an (1) night with the sensational Vietnamese singer, My Tam! She'll be performing her greatest hits, captivating the audience with her soulful voice and mesmerizing stage presence

Tickets (2) fast, so grab yours now! Don't miss this chance to experience the magic of My Tam live in concert For ticket information and reservations, visit My Tam's official website (https://www.mytam.info) or call our hotline at +84 123 456 789 See you there!

1 A unforgettable B boring C animated D creative 2 A sold B was selling C have sold D are selling 3 A For B And C Yet D Nor ②

Meeting with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

We are pleased to announce a significant bilateral meeting between General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong of (4) Communist Party of Vietnam and President Joseph R Biden Jr of the United States This historic occasion marks the 10th anniversary of the Vietnam-U.S Comprehensive Partnership The leaders will discuss bilateral ties, (5) issues, and further strengthen the bonds of friendship between our nations The meeting will take place in Hanoi, Vietnam, and underscores the importance of cooperation and (6) development in the region and the world

1 A the B an C a D no article 2 A internationally B nationality C international D nation 3 A sustainable B rare C accessible D cutting-edge

Exercise 6: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions


a She joined the Viet Minh and became a guerrilla fighter at a very young age b Take care, and I look forward to catching up soon! Warm regards, Thanh

Trang 6

c Unfortunately, she was apprehended by the French authorities and executed by firing squad when

she was only 19 years old

d Her grave, located in Hang Duong Cemetery, stands as a symbol of her courage and the

revolutionary spirit It's a place of great historical significance, and I felt honored to pay my respects there

e Dear Ann, I hope this letter finds you well I recently had the opportunity to visit Vo Thi Sau's grave

in Con Dao, Vietnam

f Vo Thi Sau was a remarkable Vietnamese schoolgirl who became involved in revolutionary activities

A e – d – a – b – f – c B d – f – b – a – c – e C e – f – a – c – d – b D b – f – c – e – a – d 2

a Despite health challenges, he authored over 30 works, including poems, stories, and memoirs His

life exemplified perseverance and lifelong learning, inspiring students to overcome difficulties

b Teacher Nguyen Ngoc Ky, who wrote with his feet, inspired generations of Vietnamese students c His determination led him to participate in the national math contest in 1963, where he placed fifth

and received recognition from President Ho Chi Minh Ky later majored in Literature at Hanoi University and became a teacher

d In 2005, he was recognized as "Vietnam’s first teacher to write with his feet." Teacher Nguyen

Ngoc Ky's legacy reminds us that "nothing is impossible"

e Born in 1947 in the northern province of Nam Dinh, Ky faced a severe illness that left him without

the use of his arms at the age of four

f However, he refused to surrender to despair Using his feet, he accomplished tasks that others do

with their hands

A d – f – b – a – c – e B e – d – a – b – f – c C b – f – c – e – a – d D b – e – f – c – a – d

Exercise 7: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5

① Gia Long was the first emperor of the Nguyen dynasty as well as the founding father of the modern nation of Vietnam Born as Nguyen Phuc Anh, he was the nephew of the last Nguyen lord who ruled over southern Vietnam (1) being born into a royal family, he had to (2) many difficulties in his early life as he became the target of rival groups who attempted to wipe out the Nguyen clan completely After the deaths of his father and uncle at the hands of the rival leaders, Nguyen Phuc Anh fled to the southern coastal tip of Vietnam where by chance he met a French priest, Pigneau de Behaine, who would (3) become his trusted adviser and play a major role in his rise to power He escaped with the help of the priest and later on sought aid from the French in his struggle against his rivals (4) the help of the French, and equipped with advanced European armaments, he was (5) _ in securing victories over his rivals

1 A Because of B In view of C Despite of D In spite of 2 A encounter B adopt C manage D bond 3 A at last B especially C specially D eventually 4 A With B Without C But for D Thanks 5 A engaged B involved C successful D attended ②


Charlotte Church looks like a normal teenager, but she is far from average She has an amazing voice Her fan stands in queues for hours to get tickets for her concerts, and she is often on television Charlotte's singing (1) began when she performed on a TV show at the age of 11 The head of a record company was so impressed by her voice that he signed her up on the spot Her first album rose to number one in the charts

Trang 7

Charlotte still attends school in her home town when she can However, she is often away on tour for weeks at a time She doesn't miss out on lessons, though, because she takes her own tutor with her! She (2) _ three hours every morning with him Her exam results in all the subjects she studies are impressive

But how does she (3) _ with this unusual way of life? She insists that she has the same friends as before That may be true, but she can no longer go into town with them because everybody stops her in the street to ask for her (4) _ It seems that, like most stars, she must learn to (5) _ these restrictions and the lack of privacy It's the price of fame

6 A profession B marriage C career D blockbuster 7 A admires B spends C takes D devotes 8 A cope B adjust C bear D tolerate 9 A letter B autograph C signs D writing 10 A look down on B make do with C run out of D put up with

Exercise 8: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5

① The school field trip last year had a big impact on my life (1) the forest, a sudden

rainstorm caught us off guard As the rain poured down, I found myself helping others, (2) _, and laughing together The experience was (3) _ a turning point, not just in the trip, but in my life It felt (4) bonds were forming, and friendships were growing stronger The shared laughter and struggles created a connection as we faced the unexpected together This event left (5) and the friendships I appreciate

1 A When we explore B While we were exploring C While we are exploring D When we have explored

2 A sharing umbrellas B I shared umbrellas C to share umbrellas D umbrellas were shared

3 A if B though C like D as

4 A as if B as like C though as D though 5 A a lasting perspective on my impact B an impact on my lasting perspective

C a perspective on my lasting impact D a lasting impact on my perspective

② Donald John Trump is the 45th President of the United States, in office since January 20,

2017 In addition to being a politician, he is a successful business magnate and television personality as well The son of a wealthy real estate developer, Trump attended the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (1) _ He owned several beauty pageants and ventured into reality television as well (2) , he entered national politics in the early 2000s and set his eyes on the presidential office As a politician, his career was marred by allegations of sexual misconduct and he also earned much 3) for his extravagant lifestyle and controversial comments on immigrants from Islamic nations (4) _ Trump ran for the 2016 presidential election as a Republican and defeated Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in a surprise victory Donald Trump is the first person to assume presidency without prior military or government service and at 70, (5) _

1 A before taking charge of his family's business B Between taking charge of his family's business C after taking charge of his family's business D Without taking charge of his family's business 2 A Expanding the horizons of his ambitions

B Reducing the horizons of his ambitions C Admiring the horizons of his ambitions D Diagnosing the horizons of his ambitions

3 A criticism B accusation C blame D conviction 4 A Thanks to the controversies surrounding him,

B Despite the controversies surrounding him, C With the controversies surrounding him,

Trang 8

D Other than the controversies surrounding him, 5 A she is also the oldest one to assume the office

B he is also the oldest one to invest the office C she is also the oldest one to participate the office D he is also the oldest one to assume the office

Exercise 9: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 5

① Steve Jobs, a genius in the world of technology, was born in 1955 and adopted by a working-class family He dropped out of college, taking a leap into the unknown, where he found his passion for technology and creativity

In 1976, Jobs met Steve Wozniak, and together they founded Apple, a company that would

revolutionise the computer industry with cutting-edge innovations Apple's Macintosh computer and the iconic iPhone are testaments to Jobs' commitment to cutting-edge design and user-friendly technology

Apart from his work at Apple, Jobs also played a significant role in the success of Pixar Animation Studios, where he contributed to the creation of the first computer-animated film, Toy Story Despite

facing setbacks, such as being diagnosed with cancer, Jobs continued to lead Apple until his passing

away in 2011

His legacy lives on through the products and innovations that have shaped the way people live and work in the digital age

1 What does the passage mainly discuss?

A Steve Jobs’ academic achievements B Steve Jobs’ life and achievements C Steve Jobs’ rare disease D Steve Jobs’ first company

2 According to paragraph 1, which of the following is NOT stated about Steve Jobs? A He was adopted by a working-class family

B He found a passion for technology from childhood C He didn’t finish his college education

D He’s a genius in the world of technology

3 The word they in paragraph 2 refers to

A cutting-edge innovations B Apple's Macintosh computer and iPhone C Jobs and Steve Wozniak D design and technology

4 The word setbacks in paragraph 3 is opposite in meaning to

A difficulties B advantages C results D influences 5 Which of the following is true about Steve Jobs?

A He contributed to the success of Pixar Animation Studios B He established Apple without the help of Steve Wozniak C He didn’t lead Apple when he was diagnosed with cancer D His ambition was to shape the way people lived and worked

② David Beckham is an English footballer who has played for Manchester United and Real

Madrid, as well as representing his country 100 times He moved to the Los Angeles Galaxy in 2007

to increase the profile of football in America He married Spice Girl Victoria Beckham and has

become a worldwide celebrity, an advertising brand and a fashion icon

Beckham was born in London in 1975 His parents were fanatical Manchester United

supporters His talent was obvious from an early age and he signed with Manchester United on his fourteenth birthday He helped the youth team win several trophies and made his first team debut in 1995 He helped his team achieve considerable success in his eleven seasons with them

Beckham has been runner-up twice as world football's best player He won many trophies with Manchester United, including the Champions League, and won a league title with Real Madrid He also captained his club and country He was famously sent off in a match against Argentina in the 1998 World Cup In 2003, Beckham received an honour for services to football from Britain's Queen

Trang 9

Beckham has many interests off the soccer pitch and is rarely out of the headlines, especially concerning his marriage and children He has established football academies in Los Angeles and London In 2006 he was named a judge for the British Book Awards He lives near Tom Cruise and the two are best buddies Beckham is also a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador

1 What is the main idea of the reading passage? A The life and career of David Beckham B Beckham's family background

C Beckham's life before and after getting married D Beckham's marriage with a Spice Girl's member

2 According to the passage, Beckham has played 100 times for A Real Madrid B Manchester United

C the national team of America D The national team of England

3 The word "fanatical" is closest in meaning to

A inspired B enthusiastic C realistic D idealistic 4 When did Beckham receive the royal award for his contribution to football?

A In 1995 B In 1998 C In 2003 D In 2006 5 Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Beckham?

A He contributed to the success of the youth team of the Manchester United B He made England lose the match against Argentina in the 1998 World Cup C He was voted one of the best football players of the world more than once D Some of Beckham's interests are not related to football

Exercise 10: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 7

① A large number of inventions require years of arduous research and development before they

are perfected For instance, Thomas Edison had to make more than 1,000 attempts to invent the incandescent light bulb before he finally succeeded History is replete with numerous other examples of people trying, yet failing to make inventions before they eventually succeeded Yet some inventions have come about not through hard work but simply by accident in most cases, when someone unintentionally invented something, the inventor was attempting to create something else For example, in the 1930s, chemist Roy Plunkett was attempting to make a new substance that could be used to refrigerate items He mixed some chemicals together Then, he put them into a pressurized container and cooled the mixture By the time his experiment was complete, he had a new invention It was not a new substance that could be used for refrigeration though Instead, he had invented Teflon, which is today most commonly used to make nonstick pots and pans Similarly, decades earlier, John Pemberton was a pharmacist in Atlanta, Georgia He was attempting to create a tonic that people

could use whenever they had headaches While he was not successful in that endeavor, he managed

to invent Coca-Cola, the world - famous carbonated soft drink

Scientists have also made crucial discoveries by accident when they were conducting experiments In 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, an antibiotic in this manner He discovered some mold growing in a dish with some bacteria He noticed that the bacteria seemed to be avoiding the mold When he investigated further, he determined some of the many useful properties of penicillin, which has saved millions of lives over the past few decades Likewise, in 1946, scientist Percy Spencer was conducting an experiment with microwaves He had a candy bar in his pocket, and he noticed that it suddenly melted He investigated and learned the reason why that had happened Soon afterward, he built a device that could utilize microwaves to heat food, the microwave oven 1 Which title best summarizes the main idea of the passage

A History's Most Important Inventions B Accidental Inventions and Discoveries C How to Become a Great Inventor D You Don't Always Get What You Want

2 In paragraph 1, the word "arduous" is closest in meaning to

A detailed B tough C specific D constant

Trang 10

3 In paragraph 2, the word "endeavor" is closest in meaning to

A research B dream C request D attempt 4 What does the author say about Teflon?

A People first used it as a refrigeration device B It was created many years before Coca-Cola C The man who made it was a pharmacist D It is used for kitchenware nowadays 5 Who was John Pemberton?

A The person who made Teflon B The creator of Coca-Cola C The man who discovered penicillin D The inventor of the microwave 6 The author uses Alexander Fleming as an example of

A one of the most famous inventors in history

B a person who made an accidental scientific discovery C someone who became a millionaire from his invention D a man who dedicated his life to medical science

7 What does the author imply about penicillin?

A Doctors seldom use it nowadays B Some people are not affected by it C It is an invaluable medical supply D Mold combines with bacteria to make it

② Joyce Carol Oates published her first collection of short stories, By The North Gate, in 1963,

two years after she had received her master's degree from the University of Wisconsin and become an instructor of English at the University of Detroit Her productivity since then has been prodigious, accumulating in less than two decades to nearly thirty titles, including novels, collections of short stories and verse, play and literary criticism In the meantime, she has continued to teach, moving in 1967 from the University of Detroit to the University of Windsor, in Ontario, and, in 1978, to Princeton University Reviewers have admired her enormous energy, but find a productivity of such magnitude difficult to assess

In a period characterized by the abandonment of so much of the realistic tradition by authors such as John Barth, Donald Barthelme, and Thomas Pynchon, Joyce Carol Oates has seemed at times determinedly old-fashioned in her insistence on the essentially mimetic quality other fiction Hers is a world of violence, insanity, Fractured love, and hopeless loneliness Although some of it appears to come from her own direct observations, her dreams, and her fears, much more is clearly from the

experiences of others Her first novel With Shuddering Fall (1964), dealt with stock car racing,

though she had never seen a race In Them (1969) she focused on Detroit from the Depression through the riots of 1967, drawing much of her material from the deep impression made on her by the problems of one of her students Whatever the source and however shocking the events or the motivations,

however, her fictive world remains strikingly akin to that real one reflected in the daily newspapers,

the television news and talk shows, and popular magazines of our day 1 What is the main purpose of the passage?

A To review Oates' By the North Gate B To compare some modern writers C To outline Oates career D To describe Oates' childhood

2 Which of the following does the passage indicate about Joyce Carol Oates' first publication? A It was not successful B It was a volume of short fiction

C It was part of her master's thesis D It was about an English instructor in Detroit

3 Which of the following does the passage suggest about Joyce Carol Oates in terms of her writing career?

A Most of her work is based on personal experience B Her style is imitative of other contemporary authors

C She has produced a surprising amount of fictions in a relative short time D She has experienced long nonproductive periods in her writing

4 The word "fictive" in the passage is closest in meaning to

Gv   unit 1  life stories we admire  global success (bài tập bổ trợ form 2025)pdf (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.